Primary Curriculum

The primary sector at the school for the deaf comprises of three primary classes. Junior primary, middle primary, and upper primary. All classes follow the national curriculum in all subject areas except for Irish. Pupils at the school for the deaf are exempt from learning Irish but do learn Irish Sign Language. The curriculum is differentiated and carefully tailored to ensure that each pupil receives an education that is broad-based and relevant at a level that is suited to their particular needs and at the same time challenges pupils to succeed, improve and be the best that they can be.Class sizes range from four to seven pupils per class.

Pupils enjoy low pupil-teacher ratios and learn individually and in pairs as well as in small and large groups. Teachers adapt their teaching style to suit the particular needs in the class and employ both visual and kinesthetic approaches. Station teaching in both maths and literacy enables teachers to target pupil’s individual levels in these subject areas. Specific programmes such as the Edmark Reading Programme and Foundations in Literacy are also used to further support the development of literacy skills.


Student Support Plans

Each pupil benefits from a Student Support Plan which is drawn up at the beginning of the year. This involves input from all stakeholders including Teachers, Pupils, Parents, Principal, SNA’s, NEPS psychologists, Speech and Language therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, etc. The student support plan sets out very specific targets for each pupil and is reviewed regularly.


Outside Links

Pupils also enjoy lots of opportunities to work with outside agencies ie artists, sports organisations, local community, etc and a strong link has been made with the adjoining mainstream school where pupils from the middle primary classes assist with the teaching of ISL to their mainstream peers whilst enjoying subjects such as art and drama in the context of the mainstream classroom in return.